
Concessionaires need best possible returns and risk protection on their concessions. Assurance of construction cost, schedule, and results is important. The operating, maintenance and repair costs after construction is critically important. The only area of design and construction that jeopardizes these needs is the foundation subgrades supporting the infrastructure. The primary risk in that is the fill elements of those subgrades. ESOL resolves the typical subgrade problems and minimizes subgrade risks. ESOL fulfills these needs at the highest possible levels, and gives concessionaires unprecedented controls with the following benefits:

  • Typical deficiencies of subgrade fill construction are remedied
  • Stable infrastructure foundations and pavements
    • stable subgrade strength during wetting and saturation
    • no more saturation settlements
    • controlled and minimized shrink-swell conditions
    • greatly extended service life
  • Long term stability with minimized or eliminated maintenance & repair costs
  • Cost/schedule/performance risk removed from area of highest construction risk
  • Maximal production in fill construction, without inadvertent compromise
  • Design standards of practice (compaction standards and strength requirements) achieved in construction of foundation fills with direct data verification and real-time control
  • Secure ability to establish and promote for competitive separation, a project standards policy assuring stable foundations for all infrastructure projects and protection against the greatest problem in infrastructure today (strength loss, settlements and shrink-swell problems from moisture change)
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